Sunday, February 21, 2016

I'm Going to Be a Health Coach!

Hello everyone who may be looking at my blog! Last night, I signed up to be a part of an 8-week program to become a Health Coach! Dr. Axe is teaching it, and it is going to be so good. Every Monday there will be two modules that we have to complete. One will be about Nutrition, and one will be about Business. The whole program is to help you become a successful Health Coach.

I am very excited because it seems like everything is falling into place. I am going in the direction I need to go in, and that makes me very appreciative and happy. Feeling like you're doing something right, is the greatest feeling in the world. I feel like I can accomplish anything, and so can you!

To live the life you want, you have to be willing give up a few things. The first thing might be giving up some your time when you'd be watching T.V., or something like that. Maybe you need to meditate, and become closer to God, Goddess, the Universe, Creation, or whatever you want to call it. Becoming closer to the essence of everything that happens to you, will help you realize what you're supposed to be doing, and will help you see the signs you never saw before. If it comes to it, you may need to quit your job. I know that sounds scary, but if something is holding you back from what you really need to do to feel complete, you've got to get rid of it.

Sometimes things just fall in our laps, but we have to see it, and pick it up to actually make something of it.

I hope this was informative, and helps you get on the path that is right for you!

Thanks for reading!


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